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the illuminARTi Collection


thomadros illuminARTi Paintings are a Creative Achievement in the pursuit of utilization of Color and Light.  In these paintings Special Chemical powders are used to Create Unique Pigments the absorb light during the day and release said light in the dark.  The result is a single painting with Two Totally Different Views.  This technique is in direct conflict with traditional thought about light and color...after all Color is the Reflection of Light isn't it?  Not when it comes to the "Dark Side" of these works.  Yes...the Paintings. in the Light, portray the subject matter ia a almost traditional view of a "normal" painting.  However, even in the Light the viewer will notice that the painting has a Very Glossy Finish and a Three Dimentional look to it.  This is achieved by using many layers of Resin poured on the piece and cured.  The paint strokes are actually done in between these layers.


thom spent years experimenting with his effects and finally achieved the desired result for which he was searching.  In Many cases he mixes his own pigments making these paintings even more unique and exceptional. Even after a decade - his experiments continue and are producing even more new effects and coloration...observing and collecting these Unique works will no doubt give Collectors and observers a unique Glow of Happiness and Wonder...

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